Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Video Clip: Kettlebell Circular Cleans

Once you have the basic Kettlebell Exercises down, such as Swings, Cleans and Snatches, you may find yourself looking for more dynamic kettlebell drills.

The Circular Kettlebell Clean is an intermediate kettlebell exercise that adds another dimension to a Classic Kettlebell Exercise. This is a favorite among our wrestlers.

You can view it here:

Friday, February 1, 2008

Today's Kettlebell WOD

This is only for Internet tough guys and weak performers:

50/50 Snatches
50/50 Cleans
50/50 Front Squats
50/50 Swings
50/50 Push Presses
50/50 Jerks

For time:

Post time to comments.

Kettlebell Training & HUngarian Judo Part 2

This is the video with English subtitles: